Primary (Y1–Y6)

The Primary Curriculum has been curated to combine traditional pedagogy with innovative methods to drive the highest academic standards for all our students. Through the delivery of a broad and enriching programme, children are encouraged to make links with their learning and study concepts in great depth, thus allowing them to fully embed knowledge and skills.


Furthermore, the Primary Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2 curriculum is centered on topics that lead to the student’s immersion in what they are discovering. The curriculum is underpinned by skills for success such as collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. We embed these skills to success into our curriculum and also through our entrepreneurship programme culminating in real-life opportunities to showcase their entrepreneurial initiatives.

Our educators monitor all aspects of children’s development and are quick to identify any needs and put support in place where required.

Our project-based, cross-curricular learning facilitates active and cooperative learning experiences and embeds innovation and entrepreneurship, which equip our students with the skills and attitudes needed to be successful in life in the 21st century. We want our students to be confident, well-rounded, critical thinkers who never stop questioning. For this reason, we ensure learning experiences are life-relevant, purposeful, and authentic. We ensure all our children enjoy as many, varied and exciting learning experiences as possible, by giving them access to a wide range of curricular and co-curricular opportunities. These include cross-curricular topics, a variety of sports and performing arts.

Academic success is important; however, we also believe in developing creative thinkers, problem solvers and children who know how to learn in an environment of mutual respect and enthusiasm.

Our educational philosophy is centered around fostering a growth mindset and embedding a positive can-do attitude that ensures our children develop a long-lasting love of learning. Our students are supported and encouraged in their learning. As a result, they are not afraid to take risks and enjoy challenges.

Underpinning the Primary School are our values of Collaboration, Diversity, Excellence and Togetherness which, combined, ensure that our value-based ethos and curriculum results in the creation of strong relationships, happy children and a welcoming and inclusive environment in which every child thrives. Thanks to the positive and effective student-teacher relationships, we ensure that all children feel valued and cared for. This also enables us to adapt the learning, personalising experiences and give tailored feedback so that students know exactly what they need to do to improve their learning.